Here we are coming up to the Finish Line....the last few weeks of Adult Education class.
I feel like I am in the rapids of our White-Water trip (see my previous blog entry) and I'm am being tossed around....I feel banged up.....I feel like I'm not going to make it....I am second guessing every thought, decision, assignment, grade received, feedback, and my final project. Even though I feel like I have a life jacket, friends by my side going through it with me (classmates), and a guide (our instructor) that I don't feel like I'm going to make it to calmer waters.
I can see the Finish Line.....I just don't know if I can make it there. I deeply want to take time to process, to think things through, to come up with a plan....but rapids don't allow me that kind of time and that kind of processing. I have to push those around me and especially my guide.
Three weeks feels like a lifetime......wish me luck! (feel free to send me some prayers and encouragement too)