Tough Decision
The Decision Making Process
We are all faced with making decisions in our lives. We make decisions that are immediately necessary: driving, emergencies, and work. We make decisions that require more thought than instinct: school, lifestyle, and career choices.
The contemplation or impulsive responses we chose come from experiences, beliefs, and knowing oneself. The later being the most important because if we do not know our likes and dislikes then we will be prone to making poor decisions for ourselves.
Once we understand what we like and what we do not then we can move forward toward the decision making process as I have outlined below.
Step 1: Define the Decision Clearly
Going back to college to complete Masters Degree while working, being married, and raising teenagers
Step 2: Consider All the Possible Choices
Online Degree
Accelerated Online Degree
Wait and complete Masters Degree
Step 3: Gather All Relevant Information and Evaluate the Pros and Cons of Each Possible Choice
Possible Choices | Pros | Cons |
Online Degree | No in-class time Complete assignments when I have time More flexibility with schedule | Limited class interaction (through posts, group assignments, etc) Timeframe too long Cost |
Accelerated Online Degree | Complete my degree quickly No in-classroom time, allows schedule flexibility | Commitment to assignments Must have time & organization Cost |
Wait to complete Masters Degree | Kids will be grown up and gone, more time to focus on degree Cost is less now | Prevents me achieving academic goals as soon as possible Cost will keep going up |
Step 4: Select the Choice That Seems to Best Meet the Needs of the Situation
I will chose to wait & complete my Masters Degree once my children are grown up and gone because: both are teenagers now & it will allow me the time I need to focus on my Masters Degree.
Step 5: Implement a Plan of Action and Then Monitor the Results, Making Necessary Adjustments
I will continue to monitor colleges for the Masters Degree program that interests me; once the kids are grown up and gone I will begin my Masters Degree; I will start saving money now to help pay for my Masters Degree.